How To Keep Plastic Friends?

`` A fiend in need is a friend indeed. `` Best friends bring you the best in you, friendship last if you know how to forgive and forget.
Keeping your plastic friends is very challenging yet exciting owing to the fact that it can be an attestation how determines we are in terms of having friends in unconditional way. These are the ways on how to keep plastic friends.
Thanks them for being plastic.
It feels unique to have a plastic friend. You still consider them as a friend though others think about as destroyer in your life. Thanks them for being plastic because they teach you how to be more patient and still humble though they offer you unacceptable behaviours. It`s a challenge for those true friend not to yield their loyalty that make them plastic friends realize that you`re doing these for their own goodness as well.
Make them as your best friends.
If ever someday I will be having a plastic friends, I don`t know how long I could keep them, maybe I will make them as my best friends that will gonna be dare to me and attest my braveness for being one of a kind to them . I`ll try to understand them as the best as I can. I will not judge their acts though it affects my reputation. I will consider it as my mission to change their beliefs in being a certified sophisticated person. I will make them feel how I really love them even in the worst things they shared to me.

Give them chance to recycle.
Those useless plastics have still a chance to reuse by taking them in a process of recycling. Just like people, they can change their attitudes by learning to their mistakes. Other said plastic people are to be burn and throw in the trash can. So ruthless! In this statement, I feel the fierce to their hearts. For me, if you have a good intentions to them, you`ll be the one to help them realize that what they are doing are just also destroying themselves as well. They are the one who bring them in trouble if they will not stop obliterate others.
Dig their positive sides.
Don`t only look for their bad attitudes but hunting their kindness will give them freedom to exit in confinement that they are fighting for. The only way to know if your plastic friends is still appreciate your love that you show is when after they`ve turn you down, they rise you from fall, walk up to you and say sorry. Prove to them that you will not yield to your friendship to them until they realize that you just want them to change.  
At first, the topic ``how to keep plastic friends`` is really a weird question to me even to others when I ask them that question. Other said that they are no longer to keep those persons to be their friends if they know that they are just want to play their relation with you. But then again I surpassed all these problems and just focus to realization and understanding. Friends can substitute to your family in terms of completing your life better. The love and care that they give are the most precious things you need to treasure. The fact that they are your second family in this world is also one of the best gifts to you from God. It feels good to have someone who knows how weak and stupid you are at times, and yet still finds you amazing simply because they love you.

Cod Fish Cake & Pinaputok na Tilapia

All of us have own taste, as we taste good to the flavour, we define it as our favourite. Sometimes when we feel bored in what we eat, we become adventurous when it comes to the interest in foods. We find something new which are unique, different taste and another flavour. Cooking is just an activity but making it is an award. Many of the Filipinos compete cross out of the country to present their good cooking style to make us proud.
I am not choosy in food I eat. Since it taste good, it is best for me. One of my favourites is “Pinaputok na Tilapia”. It became my favourite since I attend fiesta to my classmate, Myka Elma. She was my former classmate from elementary to high school. She has also been my best friend, closeness are between in our relationship being a loyal friend to each other. Going back to my favourite cook fish, I am also present to their house when fiestas because of her own cook tilapia.
What the best to her tilapia is, it is so lip smacking and easy to cook. First, prepare tomatoes, garlic, onion, and seasoning mix. Slice all these ingredients into its smallest parts and put inside the tilapia. Then at the skin of the fish put the mix reno and alamang. Then veil it with foil and the last process is to steamed it. After an hour, you will have now a simply special “Pinaputok na Tilapia”. She said that she got this from her mother whose now is in the other country.
Her cooking skills build up since she took up Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) course. In this field, she learned a lot, like expanding a recipe by adding twist on it. One of it “Cod Fish Cake”, it is not actually a cake; it is just because of it its round shape, like an ordinary shape of cake. Its ingredients are parsley, cod fillet, potato, butter, lemon, flour, cayenne pepper, oil. All those ingredients are mix up with the flesh of fishes and shaped it in a circle shape. Then, for its garnishing parsley, you will need to put lemon wedges. From its original taste of sweet and sour, it adds a little bit spicy on it. Even I am not yet taste her cook, I feel that its balance flavour of it win my satisfaction to that food.
She said that, in cooking are like playing to kids. Just make them happy by giving their wants and at the same time teach them good behaviour as the start of their growing up. In cooking just put the ingredients that you feel taste good to it and not just delicious but safe to eat and click your interest to cook also once you taste it. Even it is hard to made, just stick to the phrase “learning is a process”.  She also adds that she is very strict when it comes in cleanliness. Make sure that the cooking tools are always clean and put to its proper place when you have finished. Just imagine that you eat not just for hungriness but also for healthy as well. She influences me to what they are saying because for me she is not just a chef but also a nutritionist. She is thinking to others people sake and not just doing her position as a cook. I had fun having a conversation to her because what she uttered had always meaningful. 
So much of our time is devoted to meeting obligations, taking care of responsibilities and maintaining mindless routines. Sometimes we forget to eat that sometimes come up the downfall of our body. The best way to get your nutrients is by eating a wide variety of foods. If you are eating a variety of foods you need, you feel better and healthy. Always maintain your healthy good by eating on time because it is the one of the best ways to avoid sickness. Most important to remember, eat mindfully. Savour the taste and textures of each dish. Give your full attention to the meal. Do not throw foods because many of those Filipino people are encounter hungriness.
Every meal is the different mixture of its ingredients in order to reach the taste you are wishing. Of course, it depends upon the one who cook to it. Moreover, the feeling toward to your cooking also affect to the taste. Just like when you are in mood, you feel energetic and alive that makes you work well at times.


One Message Received

I am a woman – ambitious, thoughtful, faithful, unselfish, caring and loving. These are just my optimistic sides and for my negative behaviours, I’m still on the process of replenishing decorum that will mould me as a better person.
It may not be worthless in thinking delicacy to a free profusion of willingness in progressing humanity and decency that we constantly adequate to be as a “good Samaritan” in our entire life. Be a model to be one of the finest teen in this generation. The generation that I`m belong. All and sundry wants change but change amend into unseemly evocative way. For whatever reasons, just stick to your mind that if you want to help the others, its all about the willingness that can we offer by not forcing yourself to do even you don’t have any power to bestow.
Well the story goes on this.
How will I find salvation?
August 8, 2011. It was a salvation day for my throbbing body after being a victim of wearisome yesterday because of finalizing in one of the requirements in our major subject - doing a short film, yet, a motivating morning vanish the twinge I feel. A refreshing sun dampened to my skin tenderly. It was a vast day, I said because that wonderful ambience of the environment was a sign of good ride in traveling the way to our school. It was about 7:30 in the morning when I went outside. The bus stopped as I moved my right hand up and down. From our place, it is almost one hour before reaching Batangas City – location of our school. An empty seat on the right side of the bus destined me to sit on. My voyage commenced of thinking how to polish all the
things to do in all of my subjects. On that moment of time, my mind was like a gasping dog, tricky to conceptualized what kind of real story of mine, I will pass to my ``Writing for Print`` subject. Then a scanty seconds passed, I saw the sign of ``SK``- Sangguniang Kabataan. Yes! I have one, I yelled to my mind.
What a break that was!
 A fifteen year old, third year high school student, an ordinary girl, a happy go lucky and a gaiety type person, decided to join in Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Election. What a break that was! In our barangay entering in the world of politics even in low position is a big thing to consider. After I passed all the forms to run as a SK Chairwoman, others tried to discourage me asking what I know about politics, that I’m too young for that slot and they said that it is not a game for me to play on. They just don’t really know what my real intentions are. Though I’m not that serious what they are thinking to me was not true. I don’t care to them whatever they said, what I know is, I have the right to decide on my own. Win or lose, I’m still a champion, there’s no harm on trying, right?
What`s my real intention?
It was my opportunity to convey my real feelings on how to be a helped to my co-barangays. Having a vision to smash the corruption and uphold the peacefulness in our area are just the things I want to work on if ever I’ll win. Even I am younger than the other entrants, through the help of my determination, I had no regrets since I made my decision regarding on that particular serious matter. Others said that I am too young for that position if ever I`ll win but I am still standing for it and clash for my intentions. I knew to myself that my mind was enough to think what are good or bad was. On that point of time, I had so many plans if God will give me that lucky break, I will become serious. I am not pretending but I am assuming to get that sit, not for my own benefits but for a new hope to everyone.

It’s not just all about me!
It is not just all about me, it is all about changes, it’s all about a new hope and it is all about us. To get in touch to a healthy and wealthy living that many of us wishing for it is a big thing to reach. If we can only wedged the money-hunter, disfigure the acts of being swagger in society, to upset the oppression in our country, and kill the odious manner that destroy the other`s reputations. As well as by simply exploiting the law suitably, encompass concern to our country, showing love to others, giving care who are in need, to whoop for our rights, multiplied the honesty in government and have the dream to uplift for the goodness of everyone. I think this world will gonna be a perfect one. These are the lists of changes that I`m wishing for. Even you!, I hope you are agree to that. I think you are thinking that I`m over reacting and extending my role as an ordinary person but I`m just considering this opportunity as a big thing to me.
Though ``SK`` is just a stumpy and a miniature spot, I make out to do something good – I said to my pledged. Promising is not just a suggestive way but also to act on it by offering your heart to the responsibility that will come. Determination knocks my soul as I started the campaigning. On that time, I am very busy like a president in a company. Everyday seems to be active. My convincing smiles spread out in our barangay together with my councillors. We don`t care whether the dire weather will became a hindrance to us. 
I woke up early to vote and of course, I wrote my name and my councillors’ names. I am gazing to the people who are on their way to the voting area and thinking if they also write my name. Until the night came, the counting of votes started. My members and I decided not to witness, were just waiting for the announcement.

The night passed by......
“Tenenenten – tenenenten – tenenenten – ten”. One message received! “Tug-tug-tug-tug”, heartbeats palpitate so fast before I opened my cell phone as I heard theringtone. Inbox – you failed! I am not the said winner. Opportunity failed on me. After reading that, I belched while staring to the message. My heart is like a crushing plane, I am so sad at that moment. It is like a “HCM”-(Heart Catching Moment) part of the film. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah - expression to that moment. I cried and cried and cried for the whole night, no one stopped me on weeping.
Don’t give up!
Well, that’s life! It’s time to use the discovery of moving on. Before, I’m thinking that if ever I’ll win, I’ll do my best to do my obligations. Just as if the other candidates are also devoted and have the same instincts for development but then again these ideas must be done. I am bow to my family owing to the fact that they made me realize that it is not a competition but it is presenting what kind of heart we can offer to the people. Position is not important for you to help.
Times up!
Piiiiiiiiiiiip.........the bus stopped. Conceptualizing must be done as the conductor said that “oh! It’s Lyceum, Lyceum”. An hour passed, it’s already 8:30 in the morning. Kiriring-kiriring - the bell rang, time to attend for the first subject. Another vacant seat is waiting for me on the classroom. I hope I can think another one while waiting to my professor.

Badjao Community

Badjaos are those people who are abandoning of wealth by means of taking the risk just to go beyond in their everyday life. They are the group of people that mostly needed the support of the government in terms of giving their necessities. Literary, they are poor and lack of everything like having a life in a successful way. Poverty is the mirror of their everyday life and because of that; they do believe that they can only maintain their life alive by being persevere to dare life that offer.
In Batangas, wherever you go, when you wander your eyes in any places here, there is many badjaos meander making please to give them money and even foods. You can feel the scarcity to their faces and look like reminding me that once I help them is one way to surpass to their pity life. That convincing part of that every moment makes my hearts to be good. Also the eagerness to surpass how hard life is, is just an attestation that to their mind life is still beautiful. In my opinion, I think they have their own happiness that maybe we cannot make out the meaning of that. Not like us that have an understanding that if life satisfy our needs and wants will become better for us to live. We cannot really understand also their culture and their language that is why other people taking advantage their weakness and sometimes go with the trouble because other people did not respect them.
Those perceptions to them change when we visit one of the communities of badjaos here in Batangas. I realize that not all what I’m thinking about Badjaos are true. We met a couple who are taking care to a group of Badjaos. They have a good hearts. Chances offer them to Badjaos by making their life acceptable by others. A new hope open for recognition of the fact that they can also mingle to others and do what an ordinary people can do. That couple that consider them as their parents brought them to a place where they can teach good manners. They also proffer education and know the words of GOD. The couple have a very high standard of kindness they want to make other life become better.
When we visit their place, I am so touch because of their warmth welcomed to us. The big smiles of their hearts brought me to gladness. The hug and greetings that they gave to us symbolizes their respect to us. The couple gave them chance to prove that they are also a part of our nation, a true-blooded Filipino who wants a good life in bringing them to a peaceful life. Badjaos are now having their vision to their dreams to come true and to level up their way-life. I hope government will also focus in helping those people.
I am so thankful because we had given a chance to experience that an unforgettable moment, even in just an hour, we made them happy and we made them feel the acceptance by others. I wish we will visit again their place and help them even in just simple ways.

Ayos Na Rin Kahit Bitin

Nakakainis. Ang salitang aking nasambit nang gisingin ako ng isang umagang pumukaw sa aking pagninilay-nilay sa kabilang mundo ng aking pagkatao - sa panaginip.   Nang maulinigan ang maiing-ing na tunog ng telepono sa ilalim ng unan na nagbabadyang oras ng aking paggising, ang siyang nagputol sa kapanapanabik na pagtatagpo namin ng lalaking aking kinasasabikang makita at makasamang muli kahit sa panaginip man lamang ay nagwakas sa isang panghihinayang na sandali.
Sa aking panalangin ay palagian kong ipinakikiusap sa Panginoon na ikamusta niya ako sa aking tatay at iparating na mahal na mahal ko siya. Noong ibulong ko ito ay sa panaginip niya ito idinaan. Masayang – masaya ako nang maganap ang pangyayaring iyon, bitin man sa pakiramdam ay ayos na rin, ang mahalaga ay sigurado ako na naririnig ng Panginoon ang aking dasal at alam ko na sa susunod na pagkakataon ay hindi na ako mabibigo. Kalakip ng panaginip na iyon ang siya ring pagbalik sa aking isipan ng mga ala-alang iniwan niya sa amin, ang pagharap namin sa buhay na hindi siya kasama at kung paano namin natanggap ang kanyang paglisan.

Paalam na pala.
Sa labas ng hospital, habang naghihintay sa resulta ng lagay ng aking ama ay hindi ko akalaing ang sandaling iyon ang makapagpapalumbay sa aking pagkakaupo nang mabanaag ko ang pag-iling ng doctor habang kausap ang aking ina. Wala na pala si tatay, ang ibig sabihin ng aking nakita. Hindi ako makapasok sa loob, hindi ko kayang tanggapin na sa isang saglit ay wala na siya.Hindi makapaniwala, ni hindi makalapit at tanging pagpatak ng luha sa malamlam kong mga mata ang naging batayan kung ano ang nararamdam ng aking puso nang mga oras na iyon. Dumaan ang mga araw, pinipilit kong maging matatag, ayaw ko na muling umiyak dahil iniisip ko na baka pinagmamasdan ako ni tatay at maghirap lamang ang kanyang damdamin kung makikita niya akong malungkot.  Hanggang sa natanggap ko na rin na wala na siya. Inisip ko na lang na nangibang bansa siya nang walang balikan, sa ganitong paraan ay nababawasan ang aking pagdadalamhati. Sa tuwing namimis ko ay iniisip ko na lang ang masasayang araw na aming pinagsamahan.

Ala-ala ng lumipas.
Dalawa at kalahating taon na ang nakakalipas nang kami ay iniwan ng aming ama, hindi dahil sa ayaw na niya kung hindi ang kanyang tadhana ay tila nagwakas na. Mula nang siya ay bawian ng buhay, magpasahanggang ngayon ay sariwa pa sa aking mga ala-ala ang mga panahong ginugol niya sa amin bilang isang mabuting ama.
Isang mapagmahal, maunawain, masayahin at makatarungang lalaki ang aking ama. Tandang-tanda ko pa noong aking kabataan, lagi niya akong isinasakay sa kanyang likuran, binibilhan ng mga paborito kong pagkain, lalo’t higit ang pasalubong na salad tuwing uuwi galing sa trabaho ay kasama ring umuuli sa aking ala-ala . Ang mga kulitan at mga kwento niyang katatawanan na aming pinagsasaluhan ay naglalaro pa rin sa aking isipan, at kung minsan pa nga ay naikukwento ko ito sa aking mga kaklase at kaibigan. Ang malaking duyan na kanyang ginawa ay hindi ko rin makakalimutan na sinasakyan namin ng aking mga kaibigan habang kami ay inuugoy niya. Lagi ko ring pinagmamasdan ang litratong kuha noong ako ay nasa Kinder Garten habang ako ay sinasabitan niya ng medalya.  Mahilig din siyang magpabunot ng buhok sa ulo, sa kili-kili at sa baba. Lahat ng mga ala-alang iyan ay labis kong kinasasabikan.  Talagang naramdaman ko ang saya sa piling ng isang ama.
Hindi lang siya mabuting ama, makatarungan pa. Lagi niyang ipinaparamdam kung gaano kami kahalaga sa kanya, na oras na may mangyurak sa amin ay hindi siya makapapayag na gawin ng iba sa amin, ipagtatanggol niya kami sa paraang alam niya. Ngunit kapag kami naman ang nagkamali ay humanda na sa disiplinang walang humpay, tiyak ang puso mo’y tatalon sa pagsisisi. Sa mga salitang kanyang bibitawan ay siguradong kukurot sa iyong puso at tatatak sa isipan na hindi na muling gagawin pa. Tandang-tanda ko pa nga noong minsang ako ay napagalitan dahil hindi ako nagpaalam nang pumunta kami ng aking mga kaibigan sa gubat upang doon maglaro ay labis kong ikinatampo sa kanya.  Sa bandang huli ay napagtanto ko ring mali ang aking ginawa  at tanging kapakanan ko lamang ang kanyang inisip.
Ang disiplina ng isang ama sa kanyang mga anak ay talagang napakamakapangyarihan. Sa tuwing gagawa ako ng mali ay nagdadalawang isip ako dahil alam kong hindi ito magugustuhan ng aking ama kung siya ay nabubuhay pa. Napakabuti niya at talagang maipagmamalaki ko siya sa kahit na sinuman. Sa maniwala kayo at sa hindi, kahit siguro sinong anak ay magugustuhan siyang maging ama, at kung sinumang babae ang magmamahal sa kanya ay hindi magsisisi.
Kung minsan nga naiisip ko na mas maswerte ako kaysa sa aking mga kapatid dahil pakiramdam ko na ako ang laging napapaboran. Noong nawala na siya ay doon ko lang napagtanto na ang daya-daya ko pala dahil mas lagi kong nakukuha ang atensiyon ni tatay. Lalo na sa dalawang bunso kong kapatid, naaawa  ako sa kanila dahil napakabata pa nila para mawalan ng amang huhubog sa kanilang pagkatao sa kanilang paglaki. Kaya ngayon ay talagang ipinaparamdam ko mahal na mahal ko ang aking ina at mga kapatid na sila ring labis na nagdalamhati sa pagkawala ng nag-iisang haligi ng tahanan.

Hinagpis ng isang ina.
Kung sino man ang mas labis na naapektuhan sa aming lahat, iyon ay walang iba kung hindi ang aming ina. Minsan nga niisip ko na sana ako na lang ang nawala para sana hanggang ngayon may tatay pa ang mga kapatid ko at sana hanggang ngayon ay may katulong pa rin ang aking ina sa pagtataguyod sa pamilya.  Ang aking ina na labis na nasaktan sa paglisan ng kanyang katuwang sa buhay ngayon ay unti-unti ng natatanggap ang pagkawala ng kabiyak sa buhay.
Simula nang mamatay si tatay ay madalas na mapag-isa at tulala ang aking ina, marahil hindi pa makapaniwala na ang dating laging kaagapay sa lahat ng bagay ay tila naglaho na. Tanging ala-ala at pagmamahal ang sa kanya ay iniwan, na sa kahit sa huling sandali ng kanyang buhay ay nananatiling tapat ang pagmamahal sa kanya.
Hindi man nagkukwento kung gaano na niya namimis si tatay ay mawawari mo sa kanyang mga mata ang kalungkutan na nararamdaman.  Siguro mas minabuti niya na manahimik na lang kaysa mandamay pa sa nararamdaman dahil alam niyang mahahawa lamang kami ng kanyang kalungkutan. Ngunit ganon pa man patuloy siyang nagiging matatag para sa amin. Kahit wala na si tatay ay ginagampanan naman niya ng doble ang kanyang obligasyon. Kaya naman ayaw kong magkakasamaan kami ng loob nang sa ganon ay masuklian ko ang pagmamahal at malasakit niya sa amin.

Sakripisyo ng isang kapatid.
Hindi ko rin matatawaran ang kadakilaang ginawa ng aking kuya. Siya ang sumusuporta at nagpapa-aral sa akin. Malaking opurtunidad ang nakuha niyang trabaho nang siya ay nangibang bansa at ito rin ang naging dahilan ng hindi niya pag-uwi sa libing ng aming ama dahil sa oras na bumalik siya sa Pilipinas ay tuluyan ng mawawala ang kanyang pinaghirapan. . Talagang labag sa loob ang kanyang naging desisyon pero ginawa niya pa rin para matupad ang kanyang pangarap sa amin na magandang buhay.  Sa kaarawan ng libing tanging ang telepono lamang ang naging koneksiyon niya sa aming ama. Sa huling sandali ng buhay ng aking ama ay tanging  bukas na telepono  ang naging daan upang marinig ang lahat ng anumang kaganapan sa araw na iyon. Isang mensahe ang kanyang iniwan, na patawarin siya kung hindi man siya nakauwi, nangako ring hindi kami pababayaan ano man mangyari at sinabing mahal na mahal niya ang aming ama.
Isang mabuting kapatid. Kapatid na dapat tularan at pahalagahan, sapagkat kahit kanyang kaligayahan ay  isinakripisyo para sa pamilya. Saludo ako sa aking kuya na walang sawang tumutulong sa amin.

Magkikita rin Tayo
Noong nawala siya, pakiramdam ko ang malas malas ko na, kasi yung iba may tatay, ako wala na. Na kawawa naman ako dahil tuwing naaalala ko siya at sa tuwing gusto ko siyang makita ay hanggang sa panaginip na lang ang lahat nangyayari. Pero napagtanto kong mapalad pa rin ako at dapat ipagpasalamat dahil kahit sa panaginip lang ay nagkikita pa rin kami. Ngayon sa tuwing dumarating ang mga pagkakataong kinahahabagan ko ang aking sarili,  iniisip ko na lang na may mas malungkot pa  kaysa sa akin, na wala lang itong nararamdaman ko kumpara sa ibang taong halos lahat ng problema at pagkabigo sa buhay ay nararanasan. Ngayon ang mahalaga sa akin ay kung paano ko paghahandaan ang muli naming pagkikita, na sa pagkikita namin ay marami na akong mga kwentong ibabahagi sa kanya at ipagmamalaki. Kaya naman labis akong nagpapasalamat sa aking ama sa pamanang iniwan niya sa akin, ang pagmamahal at mga ala-alang pinaka-iingatan ko. Mahigit pa sa ginto o anumang salapi ang katumbas ng lahat ng iyon. Balang araw, umaasa akong kong magkikita-kita rin kaming buong pamilya, “alam kong nandyan ka lang, naghihintay”.
Mapalad ka kung ang pinangarap mong buhay ay siya mong nakakamtan ngayon. Masaya, kumpleto, hindi salat sa buhay, masuwerte sa mga kaibigan at may mga tunay na nagmamahal. Di ba para ka ng nanalo sa lotto? Pero hindi naman pwedeng ang lahat ay para sa isang tao lamang, kasi nga laging sinasabi na walang perpekto. Hindi pwedeng lagi ka na lang masaya, hindi pwedeng lahat ng gusto mo ay nakukuha at kung minsan hindi mo pwedeng sabihin sa isang tao na sa iyo siya habang buhay, dahil lahat ay may katapusan. Masisi mo ba ang Diyos sa pagkawala ng mahal mo sa buhay? Ang pagkakaalam ko hiram lang natin ito at ano mang oras, kailan man niya gustong kuhanin ay wala tayong magagawa, kaya wala tayong dapat ikatampo. Masakit man, ganoon talaga ang buhay! Sabi nga ng iba, pana-panahon lang yan!. Hintayin mo ang sayo. Pansamantala lang ang lahat sa mundo, kaya habang nasa iyo pa, gamitin mo na, pahalagahan at mahalin para kapag nawala na hindi mo masasabing nasayang lang at walang pagsisisi sa bandang huli.
Salamat sa  bitin na panaginip, naisulat ko ito. 


Maalat, maasim,mapait, matamis
Masarap kainin sa dilang walang pintis
Ang tingang nakasabit saan man nakasingit
Kapag kanyang kinalabit maaalis sa pagkakipit.

Humahaba, umuurong nagagamit sa pang-asar
Tumitikim, lumalasa kapag ito’y natatakam.
Subukang hamunin  ang dilang matabil
Tiyak pagkasutil  ay di mapipigil.

Si dilang makulit kaya naiipit
Di dapat sambitin kanyang sinasambit.
Kapag siya’y nainis at gana’y napanis
Tiyang pumipitik tiyak mamimilipit.

Subukang amuin ng mga pagkain
Sa hapag kainan ay iyong ihain
Ano mang iwas ang kanyang gawin
Tiyak na kakain si  dilang masungit.

Cinemalaya Film Festival

Taste is a series of choice or affection within its style and content. I’d guess most of you thinking about foods. Yes, it’s also matter that way but in on the other lane of our sensation, taste may depend on many different facet. Now, let me give you one example of this, I will share my taste when it comes in watching Indi films.
Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) offers the best of their films to the viewers. It is a challenge to the heads of the calculations to the audiences’ instincts that their films affect to them and their opinions regarding those films that most of it referring the reality of life. Actually, we come up a planned chance to watch three different films and it is as follows:

“ Ang Sayaw ng Dalawang Kaliwang Paa “ -this story is about the involvement of a teacher as well as a dancer to her two male students in her literary class. Her innovative and smooth dancing style and interpreting poems makes her students come across to the real out of their true personality concerning their feelings to each other. The ending was good because of the realization when the tears to the eyes slide down to skin as the two students dance. The flow of the story happened by showing two scenes at a time, I mean while current scene happen it next another different scene that will gonna happen in the next part of the story. The talents are giving their finest act the way they moved it create a precise transformation to their role. In my observation, just like me audiences are focusing to the film maybe because to understand well the story until it ends.

  “Busong”-seriously speaking I felt bore in watching this film in the middle of the story until it ends but in the first part it may me think that it is an interesting because of a good start it brought that an epic-like was shown. I noticed that as our eyes wander to trace the real meaning of the story. I’d presume that it’s a dare to us to discover it out but I think we failed because other audiences’ focus vanished perhaps they cannot obtain the real aim of it. It ends leaving a question to us on how the story flows that way without clearing for us to comprehend why it was happen. However, what I like in this film is the quality of the video was good and the location is a plus factor.

 “Ligo Na You, Lapit Na Me”-this witty and dramatic story click the mind of the audiences as it ticklish our silent imagination to the highest level. When it starts until it ends it makes us alive as the dialogue beat upon the screen and it touches our heart when the conflict make a sense of accepting. It had shown the reality of life to the teenagers in this confusing generation.
                Gladness came out as I afford the opportunity that can be a great help in fixing the puzzle in my life within our chosen carrier- being a Mass Communication students. The three films above are just considering lessons in our subject and finding out my taste regarding to the films. For me, the most I like is the “Ang Sayaw ng Dalawang Kaliwang Paa” because I felt the HCM or the Heart Catching Moment in this story at the last part of it. It is the winner to my taste.

                 Before, I can easily detect if a story is beautiful for me or not, if it is comedic, meaning, it has a successful conclusion. Moreover, when the feeling of appreciation comforts my emotions, I think the director’s concept bestow my satisfaction. As my learning process progress little by little, I learned that in creating films is a wide-headed provision. The director must have versatile ideas on how they produce that can be appreciated to the viewers. It’s not a necessary that your talents are famous until they can act well what the director wish for. The cinematography also a most important matter to be consider, different angles of its focus can total the creativeness plus lights, sounds, effects and the locations are also the weapons to be competitive. 

Ang Pagkain Parang........

Ang pagkain parang pangarap hindi mo matitikman kung hindi mo paghihirapan.Tulad nang pagkamit ng mga mithiin maghihirap ka muna bago ka guminhawa. Hindi ito instant na sa isang singhot lang ay lalapit na sa iyo ito.  Kailangan mong kumita ng pera para may pambili ka o kaya naman kumapit na lang sa patalim iyon ay ang magnakaw para may panhain sa lamesa, subalit ang paggawa ng mga hindi kanais-nais na bagay na ito ay laging may kaparusahang naghihintay, ang malason ka o kainin ka ng iyong konsensiya. Mas masarap kumain kung ito ay galing sa dugo at pawis na iyong pinaghirapan. Tulad nga ng nabanggit  ang pagkain ay parang pangarap hindi mo ito matitikman kung hindi mo aabutin at oras na maabot mo na ito ay nasasaiyo na kung paano mo kakainin, magbibigay ka ba o sosolohin mo na lang.

Ang pagkain parang hayop kailangan mong mapaamo para lumapit sa iyo. Tulad ng paghingi mo sa niluto ng kumara mong gulay, kailangan mo munang huntahin siya at maging mabait sa kanya  para mahagisan ka ng biyayang kanyang niluto. Tulad muli ng mga hayop na parang mga tao na kailangan ng kalinga ng iba upang makuha mo ang kanilang atensiyon at tiwala upang maging tapat sa iyo. Kung ikukumpara sa mga tanim mong gulay sa bakuran hindi ito gaganda at yayabong kung hindi mo didiligin araw-araw, para sa paglaki nila ay maaari mo nang pitasin upang lutuin ni nanay.

Ang pagkain parang medal, mararamdaman mo lang ang iyong pinaghirapan kung ikaw ay umaakyat na sa intablado at kumukuha na ng iyong parangal. Ang pinaghirapan mong makuha ang iyong karangalan ay iniaalay mo sa iyong pamilya na laging sumusuporta sa iyo at higit sa lahat ay ipinagpapasalamat mo ito sa Panginoong Lumikha. Parang sa pagkain masasabi mong busog ka na kung lahat ng masusustansiyang pagkain na inihain sa iyo ni nanay ay kinain mo dahil sabi niya ito ay makabubuti sa iyong kalusugan. At higit sa lahat ay ang pagbahagi nito sa iba ng walang pag-iimbot.

Ang pagkain parang gamot kahit gaano kasama ng lasa ay dapat mong inumin para gumaling ka. Lahat ng bilin ni nanay na dapat inumin ay iniinom mo dahil ayaw mo nang mag-alala pa sila sa iyo. At para hindi narin magalit si Doc. Katulad ng ampalaya na alam ng lahat ay mapait, isa ito sa iniririkuminda ng mga Doktor na kainin ng mga bata o kahit na sino man dahil maganda ito sa kalusugan. Masasanay ka rin, kalaunan hindi mo na malalasahan na mapait ito dahil sanay na ang dila mo sa lasa.

Ang pagkain parang ikaw hanggang dito binabasa mo pa rin dahil napasarap ka na..BURF!!!.Excuse me po!

HeAlth is Gold

        Maraming nagagawa ang malusog na pangangatawan at para makamit ito ang isa sa paraan ay pagkain ng wasto ang dapat na isakatuparan. Tulad ng pagkain ng masusustansiyang pagkain.Maganda kung kakayanin nating maging “vegetarian” ngunit hindi lahat tayo ay kayang gawin iyon sapagkat ang mga patakarang nakapaloob dito ay hindi mo lahat kakayanin kumpara sa iyong nakasanayan. Sa nakararami napakasarap kumain ng kumain dahil ito ay nagpapasigla sa ating pangangatawan at nakatutulong upang magawa natin ng ayos ang ating ninanais. Sa pagpili  ng ating kakainin ay mas higit tayong naaakit sa panlabas na anyo  lalo na kung ito ay masarap at malinamnam ay tiyak na babalik-balikan sa oras na hanapin muli ito ng iyong lalamunan.
       Bawat isa sa atin ay malayang pumili kung saan natin gustong parausin ang ating kagutuman. Minsan nasasawa, minsan ayaw na kaya lumilipat tayo sa iba upang maghanap ng ibang lasa na tutugma sa ating kagustuhan. Para doon sa maga taong ang negosyo ay pagkain marapat lamang na dekalidad, ligtas, abot-kaya at swak na swak dapat sa panlasa ng tao upang higit na dayuhin ang inyong paninda nang sa gayon ay tumagal, lumakas at tatangkilikin ito ng nakararami. Kaya dapat gawin nila ang lahat ng mga istratehiyang kanilang nalalaman upang makapanghikayat pa sila ng marami.
       Mabuti sana kung lahat ng tao ay nakakakain ng sapat o wasto, sapagkat minsan ay maraming pagkain ang ipinagbabawal dahil nagdudulot ito ng sakit o minsan ay hindi lamang basta sakit kundi malubhang sakit. Kailangan na nasa lugar ang pagkain, hindi masama ang tumikim ng mamantika o matatabang pagkain basta nasa lugar at huwag palagi. Kailangan na may disiplina ka sa sarili tulad ng pagkontrol mo sa iyong pagkain. Minsan nakakapanghinayang lang isipin na kung ano pa yung bawal sa iyo ay siya namang masarap at paborito mo. Pero kung gusto mo talagang humaba ang iyong buhay ay gawin ang isa sa paraan ang pagkain ng wasto at laging tandaan na ang kalusugan ay  kayamanan.

Yummy Hot Lomi...

Do you know what is Lomi? Maybe others are not familiar with this. It is famous in different area of Batangas, “Lomi” is what we are talking about. When you say Lomi the first idea come to your mind is, it is better to eat when hot, it is scrumptious and flavoursome. And what more exciting in eating a lomi  is you can add soy sauce, kalamansi, fried garlic, onion and a little bit spicy on it, and for sure it makes your body hot yet give satisfaction. Its the main ingredient is "miki". Age does not matter when it comes in tasting of it, in kids, teens and olds lomi is perfect to your famished tummy. If you want some change toy our morning, lomi may join to your breakfast even in lunch and in dinner. It is very affordable; you can order a regular that cost twenty-five pesos, the special order cost thirty pesos and the jumbo lomi cost forty pesos with different toppings depends upon the prize of it. You can try it to your home since it is easy to cook. First, stew the garlic and onion, then follow the water then pit the soy sauce, knorr pork and pepper. When the water is ready to boil, it is time to put the egg and cassava. After that put the miki and wait for one minute to present your very own lomi.

Hungry?...Then Eat like A Robot!

When do we know that we are hungry? Obviously, we can feel it. Our perception passes through our minds that ’’ knock-knock’’ to our tummies, so that we can find out that we are craving for something. The tendencies of our blood to our veins circulate through our brain and manipulate ideas to attest that our stomach is revolting. Our minds vision of somewhat that commands the other parts of our body to do some certain actions. The feet turn left and right, go forward and backward to locate the place. The eyes wander everywhere where its lenses focus to its target. Ears get in touch to the evidences that verify that there are foods in that particular area. Until hands providentially dig up a food that can fulfill the pleasure. Now mouth can already do its job. Teeth are the machines that slice it into pieces. Tongue can be the judge distinguishes the result if it is sour, sweet, salty or bitter. Until it becomes scanty then dive through to the finish line- to the stomach. After that, you may now sip in a drum of water, and then smile. Moreover, you can now yell for your successful mission on how to eat in a complicated ways. BURF!!!

Make It Three Times A Day

Can all of you eat more than three times a day? If yes, thanks GOD because you are so blessed compare for those people give their full efforts just to eat well.  Every meal is the mix-up of its magical ingredients with its sensible purpose that gives a powerful taste. It depends upon the cook master on how he/she achieve the flavour of it. Every step that will make have its own reason to the ways that on how they cook.
Foods are necessity of each and everyone. It is the part of our everyday life. We cannot command our body to move or work if we are starving, that is why we prefer to be a healthy human being to become wealthy. In the world of business, many of businessmen/women publicize foods owing to the fact that these are the vital needs of everyone. It is always in vogue so that they recommend the best of their products to become still standing out in the food industry.
All of us have own taste, as we taste good to the flavour, we define it as our favourite. Sometimes when we feel bored to what we eat, we become adventurous when it comes to the interest in foods. We find something new, which are unique, different taste and another flavour.
Foods really matters on us, but going to the fact that many of us are always hungry because of poverty. We know that it is the biggest problem that we encounter every now and then. Those poor people think about how they can eat at least three or two times a day, sometimes once a day and unfortunately, sometimes they have nothing to eat.  They insist the hungriness they feel. Now tell that eating together in one table can bond families together. I hope they can eat three times a day especially those kids that cannot earn money to buy.The numbers of poor people than rich population really have a big difference between both of them.
Do we consider that acceptance is the only way to surpass that problem to those families that cannot afford to buy foods? No! You are going to die if you will not make actions.  Do not look back to the idea that if we are hungry yesterday we are still hungry tomorrow and in the future. Let us make change, make this generation as a new one. Look forward to the positive viewpoints that we can surpass these by doing something even in a simplest ways.